OK so I have to admit it, I love collecting passes from events that I go to. It is my way of cataloging all the stuff I have been to in my life. I am going to start to post some of the passes I have kept for nothing more than my own amusement.
Red Bull Fuel and Fury, 2005 - Chris Burandt won this event. Old Pabst Blue Ribbon plant in Milwaukee. Cool ass event. Cyndy and I found out that we were having Hannah a few weeks after this event.......hmmmmm.
A total classic. Three Drunk Guys Productions premier of Input, a film by my bro Craig Mearns. I actually produced these so not really that cool. Other than the fact that I was in the film.
Formula D Soldier Field - we supported and filmed these guys way before drifting got huge then Ryan Sage and his crew decided that we were not "big" enough to film there anymore and G4 (A video game network?) gets the exclusive rights to film. Once again, put aside for the almight dollar.