This has been tough for sure. I weighed in today at 182, which is not much of a weight loss and it means I went up a few but considering that I was at a golf outing on monday and did not run that day or Sunday either it makes sense. As far as the running goes I am down to a 9 minute mile and running 3 miles a night. I usually come back sweating like someone who just got out of a lake but hey, that's physical fittness for ya huh? I figure at this pace I could do 10 miles with about a 12 minute mile average finishing in 2 to 2 1/2 hours. Not bad I guess but considering that last year some dude from Kenya won it in 44 minutes that is pretty sad. That dude is gnarly, that is like running 10mph for the entire race or faster - yes my math sucks so you figure it out.