Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Great Customer Service!

So I got a good one. I went to Lowes today and had to but some utility blades to scrape my contractor sticker off the inside of my car window. Simple purchase, there was a 5 pak of blades for $1.08 ($1.14 w/ tax just to make the story accurate) and I go to the self checkout line to pay for them. First, I love that there is a self checkout line with a person there to make sure you actually self check out. Don't get me started on the research that I did on items of larger value that weigh the same amount. Anyway, I scan the first item and then hit finish and pay. My next option on the screen is where I was asked if I wanted to pay $2.94 for a one year customer protection plan on my item being purchased. So let me get this straight. I can buy purchase protection on a 5 pack of utility blades for basically $3.oo? That would mean that I would have to have a total of 3 packages of utility blades fail (mechanically or from defect, not just getting dull mind you) 3 packages fail in total in less than a year just to make up for the investment I made to make sure that I am covered in case of a "mechnical failure in the cutting operation"

Awesome. I love Amerika.